Documenting authentic wedding stories with an editorial eye.

Hudson Valley Wedding Photographer | Catskills


Melissa & Ari

May 10, 2018

March 30th, 2018

Grey skies and cool temps gave way to rain showers on & off all day but that didn’t damper the mood as I knocked on the grooms’ door to his suite.

With a large grin and all of his boys laughing and telling jokes, I made my way into the suit to start my day by shooting Ari. He nervously glanced at me, “What should I do?” I smiled and reassured him that he could continue to hang out while I just went about my way with my wingman Adam.

Ari is handsome. He has a perfect slim build and made those getting ready shots look like he was a pro and had done it before! It was a chill vibe with Adam & myself shooting as Ari posed and his groomsmen looked on and told jokes.

Whenever I shoot a wedding, my day is filled with moments of calm mixed in with moments that are quick and require me to work proficiently and efficiently. Melissa and Ari’s wedding was no exception. With traffic holding up our gorgeous bride Melissa, I knew that my love and comfort with posing would serve them well and we could easily shoot their couples’ portraits in half the time originally allotted.

And can they pose! Melissa & Ari make it look effortless. Cool. Modern and so easy! No matter what or how we shot, they owned the pose and made it theirs. They whispered to each other, laughed, and shared secrets while we caught them on camera. The stormy skies that may have worried them added extra drama and depth to their portraits and they looked exquisite together as man & wife!

And as a woman, I admired how gorgeous Melissa looked! She is what every bride hopes to be on their wedding day: radiant, polished, and perfectly happy. Her vintage look of a lace crop top and silk skirt was perfectly her and captured her unique personality! She looked stunning and I would be remiss if I didn’t say that her wedding look was the most unique I’ve seen to date!

A wedding happens in the blink of an eye. But being the first of the 2018 season, this particular wedding was memorable in so many ways. From a romantic ceremony that was a sweet and poignant reflection including both dads, and eloquently done by the talented Aretha Gaskin, to a lively reception kept hopping by Music Masters! It was a great evening filled with friends & family who clearly celebrated Melissa & Ari as man and wife and Adam and I were happy to be there to capture it all!

Wedding: Melissa & Ari
Venue: Glen Island Harbor Club
Florist: Arcadia Florist
Photo Booth: Gif Box

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MEET Summer

Photographer, artist, mother, outdoor lover, inspired by movement & motion, good light, and you.

I 'm a wife and mother. I love lazy Saturday mornings with a cup of coffee. I prefer nights on the couch with my family but also enjoy craft beers and apps in a swanky bar. I love being outdoors and I'm eternally grateful I get to experience all four seasons! I dig personal touches & homemade items over commercial goods. Admittedly, I also love shopping on Amazon Prime.

When I'm not in the Hudson Valley, you can find me enjoying time up in the Adirondacks at my second home. I find myself drawn to nature and the world we live in and often let it act as my muse when shooting.